Our wonderful Country has given us so much: top-level craftsmen, precious know-how and above all a place to call Home. For this reason, we are proud to have been able to contribute, for almost 10 years now, to improving the lives of our fellow citizens by supporting I BAMBINI DELLE FATE and their commitment to ensuring economic support for social inclusion projects managed by associations, aimed at children with autism and other disabilities and their families.
The project that Transit supports, both financially and with practical activities, is called Abilmente, which was created to allow young people with disabilities to use their unique skills and competences in order to improve their sense of self-efficacy and self-esteem and to achieve their own personal and social autonomy.
Abilmente is a versatile laboratory where young people work on packaging different products, but at the same time they learn to pay attention, to complete deliveries and to work on multiple steps and stages: a workshop to grow up together and start thinking about themselves as adults.
Each Transit garment therefore bears a concrete example of our commitment to a better, more inclusive future that is capable of enhancing all diversity: the tag hanging on each of our products is in fact crafted by the young adults from the Abilmente workshop.

Find out more about I BAMBINI DELLE FATE and their projects by visiting: www.ibambinidellefate.it